
5 Tips On Staying Healthy While Spending A Lot Of Time Working On A Computer

Working On A Computer

5 Tips On Staying Healthy While Spending A Lot Of Time Working On A Computer


Office jobs have typically required employees to spend a lot of time working on a computer. There are emerging work fields outside of a traditional office that has many of these same requirements. Today many people do remote work such as working from home, especially where a computer is a primary tool. Being able to work at home is a tremendous benefit.

Working On A Computer

Nevertheless, that benefit does come with the cost of having to be in a sedentary lifestyle for an extended period. It can lead to weight gain, back problems, and some other health problems that you really should avoid.

The good news is that people who do remote work from home can remain more active and healthy. With no supervisor monitoring you, the ability to get up, move around, stretch, and do other activities of this nature is much more readily available.

1. Use a standing desk

One option you may want to consider is to get a different kind of desk. Standing desks are becoming a popular option for people because they promote a healthier work environment. The human body was never meant to sit at a desk for 8 hours a day. Doing so puts a lot of strain on your body and can cause a lot of negative health effects. The problem here is that if you have a job that requires working on a computer, you are going to have to spend a lot of time at a desk.

But what if you didn't sit at your desk and stood behind it instead?

There are a lot of standing desk options out there that range from an entirely new desk, to a desk extension you can put on top of an existing one. While it may seem odd at first, in time, you should adapt to your standing desk and become comfortable with it. No longer will you have the same type of health-related concerns that come with sitting for long periods.

2. Get up and move around regularly

The main health problems arising from sitting in front of a computer for longer are related to the lack of movement and activity involved. So to counter this, you should make a point to get up and move around regularly. You can even set the alarm on your phone to go off every hour.

Get up, go for a walk, or do a simple house chore that will force you to get up and go away from your desk for at least a few minutes. Even this small amount of activity will help improve your blood circulation, relieve strain on your neck and back, and also burn a few calories.

You should also make sure to get as much physical activity as possible throughout the rest of your day. Exercise regularly, and little things like taking the stairs instead of an elevator can help you to improve your health.

3. Give your eyes a break from computer

You may not realize it, but sitting and staring at a computer screen all day long puts a lot of strain on your eyes. While a computer screen is not exceptionally bright, it does produce light that you are staring into, sometimes for hours on end. It can put a lot of strain on your eyes, which, over time, can contribute to vision problems, headaches, and other health problems.

The good news is that there is a simple solution to avoid overtaxing your eyes. Every few minutes, take a second, close your eyes, and give them a break. Make sure that you also avoid staring at a computer screen, which is a common problem that most people don't even realize they have. Blinking is essential, and doing so can help you to keep your vision sharp.

4. Keep healthy snacks around your desk

Working at a computer all day is not a physical job. It means you are not burning a lot of calories while you are sitting and typing your keyboard. So the last thing you want to do is to compound the problem by snacking on junk food all day long. Eating highly processed foods that are high in calories, sugar, and fat will only add to the health problems caused by a sedentary job.

You have to eat, so make sure you are eating the right food. The simplest way to avoid snacking on unhealthy food is not to have them around. Keep foods such as beef jerky, nuts, and other high protein foods around your desk.  So when hunger strikes, you can satiate it with a healthy snack.

5. Keep your desk clean

One of the most common problems with a desk job that requires you to sit in front of a computer all day is a problem many people aren't even aware of.

What problem is that? Bacteria.

When you sit and use a computer, any bacteria on your hands or body is going to end up on your desk. Over time that bacteria can build up. Even before you know it, your work area is teaming with disgusting microbes.

The solution to this? Simple, keep a clean work area.

Clean up after yourself and clean your desk, computer, keyboard, and entire work area daily. A simple sanitation wipe can keep bacteria from building up, which can help to prevent you from getting sick. You can further protect yourself by getting up and washing your hands regularly. As well as start keeping hand sanitizer around and use it frequently.

Conclusion: health is a priority

It's essential to be aware of the fact that you are performing a job harming your health. That's the bad news.

The good news is that it doesn't take a lot of time or effort to reduce those adverse effects. So move around more, keep your work area clean, snack on healthy foods, and rest your eyes. It can prevent a lot of the negative effects associated with a sedentary job.

So make these little steps to make sure you look and feel your best.

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