10 must-dos during a job interview – for candidates
Job interviews tend to cause much stress for people willing to take a shift in their careers.
What should I wear? Should I bring a copy of my resume and cover letter? What about getting a recommendation from my current employer?
Those are just some of the most common questions candidates have before a job interview.
That’s why for this article, we have curated a list of the top things candidates can do to ensure their interview goes smoothly.

#1 Do your homework and research the company
The most important thing you should do before coming to a job interview is doing your research.
You should read up about the company, its goals, mission, products, or services. Moreover, it’s key to dive deeper into the position you’re applying to.
In fact, according to the survey by Bullhorn, 30% of recruiters consider “blacklisting” candidates who apply to jobs they’re blatantly unqualified for.
To avoid making such an impression, make sure you’ve read the job ad carefully, and come prepared to share your best qualities and professional experience with HR.
#2 Dress according to the company's dress code
When choosing an outfit for your job interview, learning more about the company is key.
If you are applying for a corporate position, opt for a business look. If you want to work at a startup, a more laid-back outfit will do just fine.
A rule of thumb is avoiding anything that shows too much of your skin or makes you look unprofessional.
If you have any doubts, drop a message to HR, asking what dress code they go for at their company.
#3 Arrive on time
Arriving at your job interview on time is the least you can do to make a good impression.
Therefore, if you tend to be late, make sure you leave for a meeting well in advance.
On the other hand, there is no need to arrive thirty minutes before the scheduled interview.
Opt to be there 5-10 minutes in advance.
#4 Listen carefully, then talk
One of the biggest mistakes candidates make is preparing a 15-minute long talk without paying attention to what an interviewer is saying.
To avoid that, think through about what you’d like to emphasize in a job interview, but focus your attention on what’s happening in the room.
That way, you’ll increase your chances of making a good first impression.
#5 Manage the stress
Even if you have all the necessary experience and skills for the position, you can still fail an interview if you are overstressed.
To avoid that, try some of the following tips:
- do a short morning workout before an interview;
- meditate for five minutes;
- focus on your breathing;
- work on your mindset. Remember that’s just one interview, and it will soon be over.
#6 Pay attention to your body language
Whenever we find ourselves in stressful situations, we tend to lose some control of our body language.
Therefore, when on a job interview, pay extra attention to your hand movements, sitting position, and tone of voice.
Sit straight, try to speak at a moderate speed, emphasize your points with some hand gestures.
#7 Be curious
Whether it’s listening about your potential workplace and colleagues, or the company’s annual goals, make sure you show your interest and curiosity.
Both - in words and body language.
Curiosity is one of the key qualities hiring managers are looking for when selecting candidates. When you show your interest, you make an impression as someone who is willing to learn - both at the workplace and in life.
#8 Prepare few open-ended questions
Somewhere at the end of your job interview, an HR may ask - do you have any questions?
Use this opportunity to ask smart open-ended questions that will help you learn more about the company and the position you are applying to.
#9 Reach out to HR
Once you’re done with the job interview, drop a short message to the HR manager, and thank them for the interview.
You don’t need to overdo this step - write a short email that is exactly to the point.
Doing so will help you stand out as someone who cares about the position and is serious enough to take it.
#10 Do your best and relax
If you’ve prepared for the interview, came well-dressed, and participated actively in a conversation, you’ve done a great job!
Now the decision is on the company’s side, and all you have to do is relax and wait for their call.
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