01 Apr To solve employee shortages, Lithuanian companies turn to other countries To solve employee shortages, Lithuanian companies turn to other countries Overview Remote working, more widely adopted during... Continue reading
29 Mar Why do foreign companies seek after Lithuanian employees? Why do foreign companies seek after Lithuanian employees? Following the widespread adoption of the remote working model, both the ... Continue reading
14 Mar Baltic Assist — One of the Top Clutch Leaders Financial Accounting in 2022 Baltic Assist — One of the Top Clutch Leaders Financial Accounting in 2022 At Baltic Assist, we’re ready to record, summarize, and... Continue reading
11 Feb Lithuanian company plans to attract a hundred and a half new employees The pandemic, which has forced companies to change their business models and entrenched work from home as the norm, continues to increa... Continue reading
19 Jan Digitalisation in finance: will we truly be replaced by robots? In the context of the Covid-19 pandemic, we hear increasingly more about digitalisation and how it transforms our daily lives and work ... Continue reading
08 Dec Experts reveal how to take your first career steps in finance Experts reveal how to take your first career steps in finance It is a common myth that for young professionals who want to get a bi... Continue reading
25 Nov Experts reveal why the first five years in a career are the most important Experts reveal why the first five years in a career are the most important According to the experts, the first five years of a work... Continue reading
12 Nov The effects of the pandemic on the mental and physical health of employees Soon after the global pandemic started at the beginning of 2020, we began to witness changes in nearly any field of our lives. Be it he... Continue reading
14 Oct Twice the salary in just a few years – mission possible with a job in finance There are a lot of stereotypes surrounding a job in finance, and one of the most common ones is that there is little room for self-real... Continue reading
06 Oct FinOps. How to automate financial operations in the right way? Automation is both a life savior and the biggest headache to specialists dealing with accounting, bookkeeping, and other financial oper... Continue reading